Insurance & Financing
One common question we hear is, “Do you accept my insurance?” Our answer to that is...
Yes. We accept all insurance plans.
Although we would love to be in network with every insurance company, contracting with some insurances would prevent us from being able to provide the quality of care our patients deserve. In these rare instances, our dedicated business assistants will help you determine if your plan allows you to go out of their specific group of providers.

Detail Dental Kids is a proud Delta Dental Provider.

No Dental Insurance? No problem!
Detail Dental Kids In-House Membership Plan
All covered at 100%
New Patient Comprehensive Exam
Two Cleanings Per Year
Two Exams Per Year
Emergency Exams
20% Discount on ALL Other Procedures!
NO Annual Maximums
NO Deductibles
NO Pre-Authorizations
NO Waiting Periods
NO More Worries... Will insurance cover this???
Membership Plan Dues:
First Member. ………………………….. $425.00/Year or $39.00/mo
Second Family Member ………………. $325.00/Year or $29.00/mo
Each Additional Member ……………… $275.00/Year or $29.00/mo
Optional Additional Perio Plan ………. $325.00/Year or $29.00/mo
1 time $59.00 Initiation Fee if Paying Monthly
Important Notice: All family members must live in the same household. This is a dental discount plan. This is not dental insurance. This plan cannot be combined with any other dental insurance. This plan is only excepted at Detail Dental Kids. This offer cannot be combined with any other offers Payments are due at the time of service. Rates are subject to change annually. One year constitutes 12 months of benefit. Family members cannot be substituted.
If you are referred to a specialist, they will not honor this discount. Not valid for treatment where an accident or disability or Workmen’s Compensation are involved requiring outside medical treatment or care.