Small Changes for a Global Impact. We’re on a mission.

Small Changes for a Global Impact. We’re on a mission.

Want some awesome ways you can do to help save the planet?

At Detail Dental Kids we care about our impact on the planet and what we are leaving behind for generations to come. Finding green options in healthcare fields can be a challenge but we are up for it! Thankfully, we aren’t the only ones calling for change, but we need YOUR HELP!

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Smile Tips for Newborns and Infants

Smile Tips for Newborns and Infants

A healthy mouth and smile begin early in your child’s development.

Breastfeeding, Suckling and Baby’s First Dental Visit

For some new mothers, breastfeeding their newborn can be uncomfortable during the first few days. The good news is the discomfort should not continue much beyond that and the benefit to your child’s wellbeing far outweighs the short-term hardship. If, however you experience continued issues nursing your infant after birth, you may wish to seek assistance from a trained lactation consultant.

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Detail Dental Kids Now Offers Myobrace®

Detail Dental Kids Now Offers Myobrace®

Detail Dental Kids is excited to offer the Myobrace® program right here in our office!

So, what is Myobrace®??? Let’s break down the word: myo =”relating to muscles” and brace= “to give support.” Our Myobrace® system is an alternative to braces that addresses airway issues from sleep disordered breathing to tongue tie while also straightening teeth. The Myobrace® program helps to create healthy oral muscle habits for life. This means that we work to prevent and correct disorders that involve the facial muscles, also known as Orofacial Myofuncional Disorders.

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